7 Reasons Why a Business Should Have a VIP Phone Number

Standing out from the competition is necessary for any business because it's one of the first and foremost ways to be remembered. While being unique when it comes to products or services is a given, it doesn't end there because other aspects of a business can also be unique. One perfect example of this has unique contact information.

A business's contact information is something every company should have because it's the only way that customers, would-be or otherwise, would be able to reach them. Unique email addresses are a given, but having a VIP phone number is arguably better because they tend to stick to a person's memory when you have a certain sequence of numbers. This makes it easier for that particular person to remember your business when they need your services or products.

Beyond that, there are other reasons why you should have a VIP phone number for your business. These include:

#1 - Identifies Your Brand

When a person hears a particular sequence of numbers, it’s easier to associate that with your business. For example, a person will remember or be able to look up a number sequence such as 123-45-6789 when they hear it.

On the other hand, a person is unlikely to remember or look up a number sequence such as 285739584 or 583754 as they would be harder to remember because they don't tell a particular story. Had the person had any difficulty placing the number sequence, your business could be forgotten and never called again.

#2 - A Business Symbol

Having a VIP phone number is a way to stand out from the competition, but it's also a way to do this on a symbolic level. For example, 07778 777788 is a memorable number sequence which is immediately identifiable as being associated with your business. In turn, others may use this number to refer to you, which is something that would get people interested in your business as it would be unique to you.

#3 - Helps with Tracking Marketing Campaigns

While you may already have your own unique website URL and email address, it's also good to have a unique number so your business can be tracked. This also makes it easier to track marketing campaigns that you do because you'll determine which particular marketing campaign was successful and which wasn't.

However, you shouldn't use a number associated with the phone company. For example, you don't want to use numbers of the format 1234-5678 as they are associated with the phone company you are with. This makes it harder to track your success with a particular number, as you'll have no idea which company most of your customers are calling from or how they can reach you.

#4 - Convenient

Having a VIP number for your prospects and customers means that they don't have to look it up themselves. Instead, they can simply call the number and wait for a live person to answer. The person on the other end can take their order and process it, which means the person calling the number gets a better experience.

#5 - Promotes Your Business

Your business probably has a unique website URL and email address, but people may still mistake one for the other. This can happen because some company names might be made up of words found in URLs or email addresses, particularly if your company's web address doesn't end with "dot com" or some other identifiable character.

Having a VIP number can be helpful because you can put that number in your marketing material and any other form of advertising that you want to.

#6 - Increases Call Volumes

A VIP number can increase your call volume because people will call you for services and products if you advertise them. Some may just want to verify that your number is correct, while others may be interested in what you offer.

#7 - Provides Better Customer Service

A VIP number can provide better customer service because it makes it easier to manage incoming calls. For example, when contact information is listed online, it's easy to look and see how many people called you on that day. This lets you know how many calls you need to be prepared for if a VIP number is placed online.


A VIP phone number is an easy way to identify your company and make it easier for you to gain more customers. Having one can work wonders for your business and can let you provide exemplary service. Remember to invest in a good service provider to ensure that you get the best VIP phone numbers for your business.

If you want to have a VIP number for your business, Numbers Market can help you! We provide the best selection of VIP numbers for any business to ensure that your customers will remember yours. Shop now for the numbers matches your brand

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