Phone Numbers

A vanity number is a phone number that spells out letters that match the numbers on the keypad. The advantages of a vanity number include recognition and brand recall. However, the advantages don't end there. This blog post will list down a few of the many benefits a business can get from a vanity phone number.

How Do Vanity Phone Numbers Work? (And Their Advantages)

If you want a vanity number for your business, your best option is to get the phone number through a phone service provider. The number you are looking for can be found in the form of a word or a phrase; then, it is usually printed in a font that is easily readable. The phone numbers, which are printed in this font and are recognizable, are then registered with the Phone Number Directory. This means that whenever someone calls, the call will go through. The call can also be forwarded in case of a business-related emergency

Benefits of Vanity Phone Numbers

1 - Professionalism

If you have a vanity phone number, you will have a professional image. But beware of phone numbers that seem funny and tacky. The best thing to do is to get a number that will match your business name and image, and that will also be easy to remember.

2 - Marketing Strategy

When you have a vanity phone number, you can market your business through it. This is because it is easier to recall a number than a name. You can also use your vanity number in your advertising campaigns and in your presentations. Even in your business cards, you can include your vanity phone number.

3 - Brand Identity

A vanity phone number also gives your business identity. If you have a vanity number, people can easily identify your business from others. This makes it easier for your customers to remember your business and to find you.

4 - Flexibility

A vanity phone number is also very flexible. Since the number is not printed on your business cards and in your office building, it is free from the usual changes that occur during business transactions. At the same time, you can still keep the image of your business by changing the font and the colour of the number on your marketing materials.

5 - Standout

If you have a vanity number, you are easily recognizable. This means that your business stands out among others. With a vanity number, your business name will not be forgotten easily.

6 - Personal Touch

This is one of the biggest advantages of a vanity phone number. When you have a vanity number, you can easily give out your number to clients, vendors and friends. For example, if you want to tell someone your phone number, you can simply tell them to call your vanity number.

7 - Easy to Remember

A vanity phone number is easy to remember. This is because each number spells out a word or a phrase. With a vanity number, you do not have to bother with the name of your business. You can simply tell your clients to call you on your vanity number.


When you have a vanity phone number, you have a lot of opportunities to market your business. If you want to give your business a professional image, vanity numbers are the best thing to get. Not only are they easy to remember, but they also allow you to market your business to others. Or, if you want to make your business stand out, vanity numbers are the best option.

If you want to get a custom phone number for your business, contact Numbers Market. Buy a vanity phone number and see the difference today!

Buy Vanity Number Now