Why Should You Get a VIP Phone Number for Your Business?

If you're an entrepreneur with your own startup that you're to build from the ground up, you've probably heard of VIP phone numbers and how they can help you gain more customers and boost your business. The term itself is actually misleading as it's not really about "VIP " or a lack of interest in others, but it's actually an effective way to tell customers about your business in a memorable way. This is especially important if you have a business phone number that's too long and hard to remember. Let's look at the benefits of having a VIP phone number and why you should get on for your startup.

VIP Phone Numbers in a Nutshell

Basically, a VIP phone number is a short phone number that has a more memorable number for the end-user. It's like a common exchange where you don't have to remember the full number, just the short number that's easy to remember. For example, if you were looking for a business for your tax services and you had 01423 396979 as its number, you'd probably forget the whole number after repeating it over and over again. But if you simply had the number 07777-TAXNOW, you'd remember it easily.

In addition to the short number, there's also the fact that the number is catchy, memorable and easy to remember. It's like a brand identifier and a perfect way to get your customers interested in your business. The reason why it works so well is because your customers will forget long numbers, but they'll remember short numbers.

Why Your Company Needs a VIP Phone Number

Forget the fact that VIP phone numbers work for now. Let's look at the reasons why you should get one for your startup.

It's Easy to Remember

Just like we mentioned earlier, VIP phone numbers are easy to remember and easy to spell. That means that your customers will easily recognise the number and tell it to their friends, which would result in more customers for your business.

You're Known by Your Number

This is akin to what we've discussed earlier, wherein you can use these VIP numbers as a brand identifier. The key here is to make sure that you come up with a very catchy number that customers will remember after a few times of hearing it. This is definitely worth it, especially if you want to gain more customers.

Increase Brand Loyalty

We've mentioned brand loyalty earlier, and VIP phone numbers are a great way to get this happening. When your customers remember your number and start telling it to their friends and family, you're paving the way for brand loyalty, which results in future customers for you. This is a very good thing if you're a startup and you want more customers without having to spend on advertising.

Clear Marketing Message

One of the greatest benefits that VIP phone numbers offer is the fact that they're a quick and easy way to market your business. The number itself will do the marketing for you. As you remember, it will be a short number that your customers can easily remember, which means that they'll be telling it to their family and friends in no time. This is a great way to market your business as people are talking about your brand for you, which is the best form of marketing today.


VIP phone numbers are an excellent way to market your business and boost your startup. With the number being short, easy to remember and catchy, you can easily gather more customers as they start to talk about your brand, resulting in more customers coming to you. If you're looking to get your startup off the ground, you might want to consider VIP phone numbers.

If you think a vanity phone number would be best for your company, then Numbers Market is here to help. Whether you need a VIP number for executives or just a VIP UK phone number that's easy to remember for your business, Numbers Market has the solution for you. Subscribe now and get the perfect number for your brand.

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